
Saturday, 2nd December 2023 from 19:30 until 23:00

on Saturday, December 2nd 2023 from 19:30 until 23:00

at Manhattan Lounge Bar

hosted by The Queen’s English Theatre Co.

Welcome to “A Jazz Classics Affair”

Manhattan Lounge Bar is proud to host The Queen’s English Theatre Co.! This event is a fundraiser for theater company “The Queen’s English Theatre Co.”. We are really proud to support art and culture in Amsterdam and give a spot for The Queen’s English Theatre Co. to host this evening: an extraordinary musical gathering where the soulful sounds of blues and jazz take center stage.

An evening of American Songbook Jazz Classics at the Manhattan Lounge Bar, Zuidas, Amsterdam. At the piano will be Lori Evans, in an evening that recalls the hits of Sinatra, Ella and composers Cole Porter, George Gerschwin, Jerome Kern and many more. With stunning vocal performances from QETC cast regulars Rodney Giano, Camille Gribbons, Ties Jansen, and Lucia Alvargonzalez. Special Guest Star OUTTV’s Niki Today. Running time 2 hours with interval, a passionate jazz musician and charismatic host, this event is designed to create a safe and supportive space for emerging talent to shine. Join us at Manhattan Lounge in Amsterdam Zuid on the 2nd December for an unforgettable evening of melodic brilliance.

Tickets for sale on the website of allevents
  • This event is organized to support the theater community “The Queen’s English Theatre Co.”
  • Everyone (audience and performers) will need to buy a ticket to the event.
  • Tickets are for sale on the website of allevents
  • Tickets will also be sold at the door
  • Book a table before to eat our delicious food.
Low quality-live music-Manhattan (59)
_DSC2533 Manhattan Bar warmer Roxy Ali

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